Monday, November 03, 2008

I officially suck at this

More than a year between posts was not the goal I was shooting for when I first started this blog, but honestly, shit happens and blogs are sometimes forgotten. Recently, I have really gotten into reading blogs instead of working. My office within an office is extremely conducive to perusing the Internet all day - I have the perfect setup with my computer facing the window, my blinds down and my face tilted toward the computer screen in such a concentrated, confused and frustrated expression that no one ever bothers me. It is very nice.

After yet another day of blog browsing, I think I am finally ready to take the art seriously and to try to not suck so much at this. I have read and observed the blogging habits of some of the more successful blogs and they always seem to start with a little background about the narrator.

My name is Kelly. I am 24 and live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan with my boyfriend, Johnson. I am employed (thank goodness!) at a real estate consulting firm and actually enjoy my job (about 90% of the time). It is a hard time to be working in real estate and my projects continue to dwindle down the same spiral that the economy is following. Hence, my need for a time-taker upper.

I love New York, the ridiculously overcrowded subways as well as the annoying people that ride on them (mind you, I am one of these annoying commuters, shoving my bag in your child's face and listening to my Ipod without a care in the world). And let me just set the record straight- although I am not from New York, I have been living here for two+ years. It really only takes a couple weeks of commuting from uptown to downtown, east to west, downtown to uptown, and west to east before everyone begins to annoy you in some way. I choose to ride the subway, but trust, I have tried to commute via bus and hoof.

Although I love the bus because my hair does not frizz up the second I get on, the fact that it takes 12 minutes to move three blocks kills me. I am such a control freak that having to sit there and do nothing while multiple cars, pedestrians, trucks, strollers and other buses cut my bus off, drives me insane. It is not as stress-free as I would like my commute to be.

As far as hoofing it, on sunny, brisk Fall and Spring days, I can overlook the fact that three people have rolled their suitcases over my feet without so much of a grunt of an apology; I can overlook the fact that an 80-year old woman stands on one side of the sidewalk while allowing her tiny teacup Yorkie to sniff the tree on the other side of the sidewalk, requiring the Walking People of New York to jump over the leash; and, I can even overlook the swarms of tourists that see the Chrysler Building and decide to stop dead in their tracks to snap a photo. All of these people can be overlooked on a nice day, its the bad days, the cold days, the sweltering hot days, and the rainy days when I most certainly will not choose to walk to/ from work.

So, in order to keep my sanity I "subway" it to work, more specifically, "4-5-6" it to work and it works out nicely, so long as the volume on my Ipod is high. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am an unlimited metro card holder and I never leave home without it. Excuse my digression on NYC public transportation, I had not planned to go down that route .

I just moved in with my boyfriend a month ago and so far our only fight has been about Rock Band and not having enough room to store it. But after throwing my purse on the sidewalk in a drunken stupor and breaking my cell phone*, Jonson bought me a slice of NYC pizza and we went home to eat it in bed. Yes, we are gross and eat in bed once every drunken' occasion. The next day, we found a safe place for the fake drum set at the top of the closet and all is well.

I would be lying if I said that I have an extremely exciting life because it isn't ridiculously exciting. But I manage to have a fun time most of the time. I have great friends, a wonderful boyfriend and my family that lives close by in a CT suburb. My knowledge of technology is pretty bad, despite the fact that I am 24 and should know everything about every gadget and gizmo just because I was born after 1980. For example, I have no idea why my font has changed or how to change it back. I am officially still sucking at this blogging business, but at least I am trying.

More to come... I may have been born fresh, but I am a work in progress :)

* Just a lil' note about me: I have a tendency to break my cell phone once every six months and 9 times out of 10, it is because I happen to be drunk and PMSing. Just putting it out there.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Steam Explosion

Last Wednesday night around 6 pm, this steam pipe burst on Lexington Avenue, right next to my office building. For those of you who were not in Midtown Manhattan at the time, it was absolute chaos. I looked out the window and definitely thought that either Grand Central or the Chrysler building had been bombed. Although it was only a steam pipe that had burst, pavement and glass was flying everywhere. My building, as well as all the surrounding buildings, was shaking and had windows completely shatter.

Just thought I would comment that it was really scary. I thought I was going to be smashed or trapped in my building. I don't think I have ever run so fast in my life. And I never want to live through something like 9/11.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Turning a new leaf

For me, college was perfect timing. I was totally ready to go when I graduated high school, but I swore I never wanted to leave when I walked across the stage in Barnes Hall to receive my diploma last May.

After a couple of months working/living in the city, I went back to school for Homecoming this past October. I had the best time of my life. And on Sunday, when my friends were yelling at me to get into the car for the ride home, I wanted nothing more than to cry my eyes out, tell them to fuck off, and drink sangria in Ithaca's afternoon sun. I cried the whole way from Ithaca back to Manhattan, especially when sentimental songs were played.

A couple months ago, my friend Marissa and I decided that it was a MUST to go back to school for Slope Day. I put in my days off at work, packed my most "college-fun" outfits and asked my mom if I could borrow the car. While making the long drive up on Thursday night, with three wonderful people I had met from Cornell and T.I. lyrics bumping in the background, I really believe the saying, "College is the best four years of your life."

Now the weekend is over, the fun has been had, but at the end, I did not cry. Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing my friends again, I loved hanging out in the nice weather on the slope, I loved being places I hadn't been since graduation, but upon reflection, I also think that I have outgrown my college experience. I was hoping to look at my trip to Slope Day as closure to the past year of inner-turmoil I have had. Should I have stayed another semester to finish my finance concentration? Should I have applied to grad school so I could keep living the college dream? Should I have accepted a job someplace outside New York City (the only real city I ever wanted to work in)?

This past weekend was definitely closure for me and the enamored relationship I had with my college. I will still continue to visit its beautiful campus, hum its Alma Mater on the subway and sport its Big Red gear, but now, I just feel so much more ready to become an adult than I did last May. Maybe I have grown or maybe I am just euphoric because it is the end of the work day, my bills aren't due for another week, and I just had a weekend with my friends that will go down in the books as aaammmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing ;)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Holiday Party

Exactly 2 weeks ago today, I was putting on my coat, picking up my secret santa gift from the conference room as well as my elf costume from the hall closet and heading out to my company's holiday party. To make a long story short, I spent dinner sporting an antler ear headband that lit up whenever I pushed the button (which was every 5 seconds), drinking a ridiculous amount of wine and beer, and eating yummy truffle pizzas. The night ended with me blacking out and taking a cab home by myself (thank god!). To answer your question, yes, I was that drunk girl at the company christmas party, but I was not as drunk as some. So in my opinion, I survived my first work christmas party. I did dress as an elf though for a good two hours.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

How Far is too Far?

Now since I have joined the working American public, I have noticed a few boundaries or rules, if you want to call them that. These rules for the working men and women of American are not spoken, but instead, implied. Now, I am passing what I have learned so far onto you:

1. It is o.k. to wear comfy shoes to work and change into fabulous ones as soon as you enter the office.

2. Business casual dress includes anything from a suit with a non-matiching tie to a golf shirt and jeans that were worn as the previous day's outfit.

3. If you drink the last of the coffee, make another pot or your co-workers will talk shit.

4. You get extra points if you leave the office after your boss. You lose points if you are leaving just as your boss steps in the elevator.

5. It's cool to talk about how wasted you got last night, but not cool to talk about how hungover you are and how little work you have done.

Friday, November 10, 2006

I saved my money by switching to bargain beers

I have been living in the heart of Manhattan for a little over a month and it is really starting to take its toll on me emotionally, physically, and most importantly, financially. For just graduating from college, I make decent pay and my rent is unbelievably low for New York City, but when it came to sitting down and going through my expenses, I quickly surmised that I have no money, bucks, moola, no green.

The first thing I did upon realizing my money situation was freak out! And IM Hotelie Blogger, naturally. After a few calming words from my friend, I called the bank to make sure that they did not mess anything up. Then, after the reassurance from the wonderful customer service person at my bank that I would, in actuality, not die and be able to pay for my credit card, I started to look at my financial loss as a positive thing. I would just have to cut back. Easy enough.

I decided that I would no longer wander into clothing stores on my walks home from work. No more retail rewards, only the absolutely necessary buying. I would make a conscious effort to cook at home, bring my lunch to work, and not go out to eat all that often. I would cut down my nights out to two nights per week. Simple.

Since none of that really happened, I have accepted that I will be living for the next couple years with no money so I better get used to it. I have made other adjustments to my life to try and save the pennies. I now research happy hour bars that have good drink deals and sometimes free food. I take advantage of "Ladies Nights" and 50 cent beers on the upper West Side. I eat oatmeal everyday at work. Saving money has actually caused me to go out more than I think I did before when I was blowing through my funds. Somehow, and I am not really sure how, I have been able to pay my rent and handle the credit card payments without sacrificing my love for bars. So I will just keep on keepin' on and partying at least four nights a week. It feels so great to be a struggling consultant in New York.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Why am I so addicted to Facebook?

It may be because my friend, E-wat, had me out until 4:30 in the morning last night playing beer pong and flip cup as well as singing a little karaoke, but I really think that is just an excuse. I have done nothing today. Can there be an MTV True Life episode about Kelly, the Facebook Addict?

Hello. My name is Kelly the Hotelie and I am addicted to I spend so much time searching profiles, browsing the pics, reading the funny little wall postings, and searching for people I think I know that it has gotten to the point where I need to openly admit that I have a sickness. My apartment gets pretty crappy online reception (if that is even a technical term) so it is on the weekends that I see my true NEED for this happy stalker website show its ugly self.

Last Saturday, my best work pen pal, J, and I decided around 10:30 p.m. that we would man-up and go out. By the time I had showered, picked out the outfit, and pretty-ed myself up, it was a little after midnight and I was heading downtown to her apt. with a couple 40s.

When I got there, I opened my beer, sat on the couch and low-and-behold, there is the damn facebook screen staring right at me on the coffee table. It had been an entire 12 hours since I got my last fix. My mouth dried up, my eyes dialated and my fingers went in for the kill. It felt so natural typing in my old Cornell email and cute, little password. I got the biggest high when the stupid blue "News" screen popped up and I could see who had friended who, who had added pictures, and who had posted on others' walls. I quickly pushed on my face and checked and see what people had written on my wall. Then, I jabbed for the "My Friends" tab to see who had recently updated. After pouring through the list and, of course, checking out all the modifications, I realized that I have a problem. Instead of watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, which let me tell you may be the worst movie ever (sorry Hotelie Blogger), on the big screen tube that J's room mate so wonderfully hooked us up with, I HAD to be on Facebook. Having this realization then caused me to freak out in my head so I clicked that little red "x" box glowing in the right hand corner.

I mean, what did I do before Facebook was created and I was still wait for a friend to finish getting ready? Perhaps I watched the Food Network, maybe I perused a gossip mag, maybe I actually talked to my friend while she got ready, but who knows?! When J finished her makeup, she came into the living room, grabbed a beer, sat on the couch, and opened the web browser on her little black lap top. Instantly, I was immersed in Facebook world again.

Did you see the photos of such and such's wedding? NO! Let me at 'em, man.

Did you see how much weight this person has gained since school? NO! How could I have missed that?

Did you know that Bobby isn't dating Susey anymore? Well, yes I did know that, but I didn't see the drunk wall postings he wrote to her wall just 1o minutes ago!

So, yeah, I am not gonna lie and I am not gonna hide it. I, Kelly the Hotelie, am a Facebook addict. Honestly, I have logged on to get my Facebook high 10 times already today. I have already seen that you changed your photo and I have looked at the pics from last nights drunken escipades. I have read your notes and your profiles and your wall postings. I am pretty much your stalker, but you better get used to it because chances are thousands of other people have done exactly the same thing. You wouldn't have a profile if you didn't want to be stalked. So feel safe knowing that I and everyone else in your fifty networks know everything there is to know and I really enjoy it that way.

Monday, October 23, 2006

there really never is a "just because"

About 9 months ago, I decided that I was a horrible blogger. I was not witty. I hardly ever actually posted a blog. I was too busy partying and my computer was broken. I knew that my blog would never be one of those blogs listed under "Cool New Blogs" or "Check These Out!" and I will admit, that at a time of weakness, I just quit my blog.

I am still probably going to be the worst blogger ever, but now there is method to my madness. Recently, I joined America's working population and finally, I understood why the punch lines in Office Space were so funny, why people went crazy over Sudoku, and why Dilbert is the way he is. It didn't take me long to realize that working at a desk all day, for five days a week was BORING. Within the first 20 minutes of beginning my job, I had found the daily crossword puzzle online. By Day 2, I installed aim and was talking to my friends every five minutes. By the end of Week 1, I had been on more times than I had during the prior 2.5 years of my profile's existence.

In early September, I found myself sitting next to the new guy at work, we will call him D, basically because he doesn't even know I am writing about him. We got to talking and one day, he re-introduced me to the blogging world. I sat at my desk for a solid two hours, reading, laughing, commenting, and absolutely loving. Even though reading blogs had become my favorite way to waste time or "take a break", I was still not ready to look up my old "Kelly the Hotelie" blog. I knew that I just sucked too bad. And I was a little scared of the commitment all these other bloggers had to their blog lives.

Last week, I was reading blogs at my desk, laughing my head off (but trying to cover it with this hacking, snorty cough that I am pretty sure no one ever believes) and I decided to read my good friend Hotelie Blogger (, if you are interested). She was so funny and I decided I needed to be her; that it was my duty, as a friend, to entertain others who are as bored at work as I am. So, I will try to be as witty, saucey, and brainy as possible, but there are really no guarantees ;)

*Disclaimer: work is really not always boring. there are busy days and slow days, but blogging is a nice way to spend my lunch time.